Friday, December 28, 2007

Airbus and Current Aircrafts Metal Technologies

"Airbus and Current Aircrafts Metal Technologies" (K.–H. Rendigs presentation for 8th MMPDS, Sept, 2005 with information on 7449)

The material distribution on an Airbus aircraft structure predominantly remains aluminium based alloys. The example on the A380 shows that 61% of the structure is made of aluminium alloys, 22% in composites, 10% in titanium and steel and 3% in Glare[R] (Fibre Metal Laminate). Nevertheless, the use of composite materials is continuously growing and a big step forward has been reached on the new A380 super sized aircraft, which contains 22% of composite structures compared to 12% on the A340.

The competition between metals and composites for the aircraft structures is open for the future and the target compared to a standard metal technology (baseline 1990) is 20 to 30% in terms of weight and 20 to 40% in terms of cost. This competition is managed by a step-by-step approach regarding metal or composite design. Fig 2 shows this approach on the Airbus aircraft during the past 30 years, taking into consideration the airframe requirements. Composite components, which are introduced on the aircraft, are increasingly challenged from one programme to the next in terms of loads, geometry of the parts and technology and today include fairings, movables (since the 1970-80) centre wing box and fuselage sections.

This activates at each time the competition for new metallic materials or technologies. Some results of these new developments are illustrated for the A380 and A350. The A380 new high capacity aircraft exists today in two versions: the A380 Pax and A380 Freighter. The first flight of the Pax version was on 27 April 2005.

This new aircraft was the opportunity to introduce many new technologies and improved alloys.
By Fournier, P.

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know of a good metal castings company that can produce custom made metal parts at a reasonable price?

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