Saturday, May 17, 2008


Peter D. WaiteAlcan International LimitedArvida Research and Development Centre1955 Mellon Blvd., P.O. Box 1250Jonquike, Quebec, Canada G7S 4K8

Abstract Over the past two years, industrial implementation of the Alcan compact degasser has continued, and it is presently being used inmore than half a dozen casting facilities. During this period, further quantification of the process metal treatment efficiency has been undertaken for a wide range of alloys and casting conditions. The extensive plant data that has been collected was analyzedusing the underlying metallurgical principles as guidelines. This has led to an improved understanding of the ACD specifically, and of multi-stage in-lint treatment processes in general. The relationship between the metallurgical principles used for data analysis and the dcgasser metal treatment performance arediscussed, and factors affecting hydrogen removal performance were identified. Examples illustrating these findings are presented using plant data for the Alcan compact degasser and for conventional in-line degassers.


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