Saturday, July 5, 2008

Increase in aluminum use saves 1 billion liters of fuel per year in Europe

Aluminum use in Europe has grown from 100 to 290 lbs per car since 1990 and is expected to add another 55 lbs by 2010. The weight reductions from replacing steel and other materials with the lighter metal have contributed to annual fuel consumption reductions of about 250 million gallons according to a new study. The European Aluminum Association and Knibb, Gormezano & Partners did a study with data from car-makers and suppliers based on the 15 million cars produced in 2005. Along with the reduced fuel consumption, CO2 emissions are reduced by 40 million tonnes over the life-cycle of the vehicles. Aluminum is being increasingly used in engine blocks and heads, suspension components and also in body panels and structures.

More detail can be found at the following link.

The calculations in the study are based on the following assumptions:

  • Car lifespan of 200,000 km; yearly vehicle kilometers traveled 15,000 km.
  • 0.35 liters of fuel saved per 100 km per 100 kg weight reduction.
  • 1 kg of aluminum provides 1 kg of lightweighting.
  • 2.835 kg of CO2 per liter of fuel, as the mean value for gasoline and diesel, including pre-combustion (i.e. CO2 generation for fuel production)
  • 2.455 kg of CO2 per liter of fuel, as mean value for gasoline and diesel, excluding pre-combustion.
From picture: The VW Polo BlueMotion has been selected as a finalist for the 2007 World Green Car title.

The Volkswagen Polo BlueMotion has the lowest CO2 emissions of any car on sale in the UK, electric cars excepted. At just 102g/km, it's cleaner than any other petrol, diesel or petrol-electric hybrid currently offered. And its 72mpg on the official combined cycle beats them on fuel consumption too.

How does it manage it? A combination of highly efficient engine, light weight, high gearing and slick aerodynamics.


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